Terry Emig, much-beloved colleague and former director of motorsports and event marketing at Universal Technical Institute (UTI), is also the namesake of TechForce Foundation’s Terry Emig Hero Spirit Award, established in 2017 by his most ardent admirers, Nancy Bruner of Shell Lubricants and Kim McWaters of UTI.

Before Terry’s recent and poignant passing, a limited-edition, petite bronze sculpture of hands holding a flame was commissioned by TechForce and created by Montana artist Pamela Harr of Bridger Bronze, Inc. The piece was inspired both by the nickname “Warrior of Light” given to Terry by Nancy Bruner (inspired by Paulo Coelho’s “Warrior of the Light: A Manual,” a book that invites us to live out our dreams, embrace the uncertainty of life and rise to our own unique destiny) in recognition of Terry’s unwavering support for those who love working with their hands and how he always brought his special light to the world in service of others.
The Emig family has asked that any donations in Terry’s honor be made either to the Gateway for Cancer Research, a charity partner of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, or to TechForce Foundation’s Terry Emig Hero Spirit Award.
As a remembrance for donations of $1,000 or more to the Terry Emig Hero Spirit Award, donors may receive a limited edition of the Warrior of Light sculpture.
The Terry Emig Hero Spirit Award has already awarded and helped more than six students with more than $25,000 in financial awards since 2017, students who were interviewed and hand-selected by Terry himself. We are honored to share that Nancy Bruner and Terry’s daughter, Ashley Emig Short, will continue to serve on the review committee for the awards going forward.
To contribute to TechForce’s Terry Emig Hero Spirit Award, either make a secure donation online at: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=utif&id=1 (select “Area of Greatest Need” from the drop down menu and type “Terry Emig” in the Additional Comments area) –or– send checks to: TechForce Foundation, 12621 N. Tatum Blvd #304 Phoenix, AZ 85032 (please state in the check note section “Terry Emig” and your phone number). TechForce will contact donors in excess of $1,000 to arrange delivery of the Warrior of Light sculpture.