Awards Nomination Form

Your Information

Please read through the nomination form before starting. You may only nominate one student or technician per form submission. If you would like to nominate more than one individual simply resubmit this form for each nomination.

TechForce strongly suggests that you write your answers to the "Tell Us About Your Nominee" questions in a separate place, and then copy and paste them into this nomination form. Answers are only saved once you click "Submit Nomination" at the end. Refreshing this page will clear the nomination form.

Nominee’s Contact Info

Tell Us About Your Nominee:

Nomination Eligibility & Requirements

Nominees must be 1) a professional technician employed full-time in, OR 2) a current student studying a technical education curriculum in at least one of the Techs Rock Awards recognized categories:

  • Automotive & Motorsports
  • Diesel
  • Collision, Restoration & Welding
  • Aviation, Motorcycle & Marine
  • Emerging Technologies

1.) General Eligibility and Requirements for all Nominees:


All nominees shall exhibit exemplary character and be making a positive impact in their school, workplace, and/or community.


To nominate a technical student or professional technician, please offer details on your candidate in the nomination form. Nominations open Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 11:30 AM ET/ 8:30 AM PT and close Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT.


1.) Nominees must be 18 years or older to enter or 16 years or older with their parent/guardian’s permission.


2.) Nominees must be a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident, or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status with proof of current Employment Authorization Document.


3.) A nominee may only be nominated in one category.


4.) An individual may nominate any student or technician only once. An individual may submit multiple nominations for multiple individuals.


5.) Nominations may be submitted by anyone. Self-nominations are accepted.


6.) Only one student or technician may be nominated per each form submission. Individuals are permitted to submit multiple nomination form submissions.


7.) Nomination questions should be answered in complete sentences.


8.) Nominations must be submitted through the Techs Rock Awards online nomination form. Nominations submitted via any other means, after the nomination deadline, or for a nominee who otherwise does not meet nomination criteria will not be considered.


9.) Once nominated, each nominee will receive a Nomination Acceptance email. Nominees MUST accept the nomination via the short survey linked in the email before the acceptance deadline of Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM PT. Failure to submit this information by the deadline will result in the nominee’s disqualification.


10) Upon Nomination Acceptance, if a nominee is under the age of 18, the nominee’s parent or guardian will receive an email to confirm their Consent for the nominee’s participation in the Techs Rock Awards. The Acceptance, and Parental Consent where necessary, must be provided by the acceptance deadline of Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM PT. Failure to submit this information by the deadline will result in the nominee’s disqualification.


11) Chosen honorees must agree to the following to be considered:


  1. a) Have their name and photo published in digital and print media announcing the winners.
  1. b) Be willing to participate in a Q&A-style interview with our editorial team.
  1. c) Agree to provide their contact and shipping information to TechForce partners for prize delivery.
  1. d) Be willing to participate in a video interview, to be used to encourage nominations and other engagements in future Techs Rock Awards.
  1. e) Be willing to travel to Glendale, AZ the week of March 4, 2024 for recognition at TechForce’s National Partner Summit and on-stage at Mecum Glendale 2024 if selected as the one student or one professional technician Grand Prize Winner.

2.) Student-specific Eligibility and Requirements:


1.) Student nominees shall display passion and hard work toward becoming a future professional technician. Student nominees shall also have concrete examples of how they exceed expectations in their technical education program.


2.) Student nominees must be at least a current, active student, enrolled in a transportation technology curriculum, who:


a.) has completed, at a minimum their sophomore year of high school, and


b.) is currently enrolled as at least a Junior or Senior in high school, or actively enrolled in a post-secondary technical education program.


3.) Nominees MUST be a student at the time of nomination and must continue to meet all nomination criteria through March 31, 2024.


a.) Students who graduate on or before March 31, 2024 are not eligible for nomination.


b.) Students on a leave of absence or waiting to start/in between school enrollment are not eligible for nomination.


c.) Any student, nominee, or honoree who misrepresents any portion of their nomination acceptance, including Parental Consent and nominee’s ability to meet nomination criteria, or any nominee for which a parent, guardian, nominator, or instructor knowingly misrepresents the nominee’s ability to meet nomination criteria shall be immediately disqualified, and/or have all awarded titles and prizes revoked.


3.) Professional Technician-specific Eligibility and Requirements:


1.) Professional technician nominees shall be respected for their technical skills and reputation as a qualified tech, and have concrete examples of how they exceed expectations in the category being nominated for.


2.) Professional technician nominees must be employed full-time as a technician in the automotive, aviation, collision, diesel, emerging technologies, marine, motorcycle, motorsports, restoration, or welding industries.


3.) It is highly encouraged to nominate technicians who have achieved workplace accomplishments and milestones in the past 18 months.



NOTE ON PRIZE INCOME: The Internal Revenue Code states that under certain circumstances the value of prizes and awards/gifts to individuals is considered taxable income. Merchandise or products won as a prize or award will be considered at the fair market value and could also be considered taxable income. Nonresident aliens may be subject to additional tax rules regardless of amount, depending on circumstances and treaty status. The prize and award/gift amount will be treated as 1099 income. The recipient will receive a Form 1099-MISC from TechForce Foundation on any winnings totaling $600.00 or more in a calendar year. The recipient will also be required to provide TechForce Foundation with a completed W-9 form, which includes social security number, to be used for issuing a 1099 for tax purposes, as well as signing a prize/award acceptance form. Additionally, should a scholarship be awarded, the recipient is required to complete the scholarship application and acceptance process online at

Thank You for your VOTE!

IMPORTANT: To better follow the progress and results of the Techs Rock Awards create an account in our Network

Please share your contact details and a TechForce team member will contact you.

"By connecting students, instructors, industry pros and working techs, the TechForce Foundation provides unilateral support to the transportation industry’s technician recruiting needs… The administration of our Scholarships by the TechForce team has been instrumental in delivering us with a successful method to gain interest from qualified candidates as well as provide our students with additional assistance to complete their education."
Tony Farr
Ford Technical Programs Manager