TechForce Foundation is a national, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity with the mission to champion all students to and through their education and into careers as professional technicians. Contributions are 100% tax deductible.
Small Businesses* are invited to be TechForce Champions.
TechForce Champions are small businesses under $10M in annual revenue that rely on skilled technicians to keep their business running.
Technicians want options on where to work, so TechForce Foundation established its Champions program so small employers have an opportunity to be part of the solution and connect with aspiring techs.
Donate just $89.00 a month** via credit card to be a TechForce Champion.
Do your part to help TechForce Foundation achieve its charitable mission. Donations are 100% tax deductible.
*Must be a small business under $10M in annual revenue to qualify.
**Or simply donate one flat, annual donation of $1,000.
TechForce Champions receive:
TechForce Champion badge to proudly display your support in shop, on uniforms, and on your website.
Company Profile in TechForce™ plus monthly eNews, employer resources, and invites to networking events.
Engage better with your local schools and tech students. TechForce connects your employee
Post jobs or apprenticeships year–round in
TechForce.™ Receive resumes direct.
Stop complaining.
Be part of the solution.
- Each year, TechForce receives ~6,000 scholarship applications, but is only able to fund 1 in 3. Your support grows our scholarship and program capacity.
- The industry needs 248,000 new techs per year, but tech schools and community colleges are only graduating 48,000. That gap is the pain point, and your botom line.
The technician shortage won’t solve itself, but with your support, we can make a lasting impact by opening doors for skilled techs.